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Verloskundigen Oosterpark

Scientific research

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

We believe it is important to be aware of the latest insights regarding optimal obstetric care. We translate insights from scientific studies into your pregnancy and your needs. We also want to contribute to scientific research by participating in it. Depending on how your pregnancy is progressing, we may ask you if you are interested in participating in research. Pride-study: researches pregnant women's lifestyle

Quadruple-P studie: possible treatments in preventie preterm labour with a shortened cervix.

Tango-studie: researches if treatment of very mild gestational diabetes is beneficia to prevent problematic pregnancy outcomes.

AIMS-study: researches the development op micro-organist in infante and douch children.

Synbio-breast onderzoek: possible effects of breastfeeding on the development of allergies.

Perceive studie: effect of early treatment after a traumatic delvers.

NEK-studie: prospective study on the development of early (<11 weeks) measured thickened nuchal translucency.


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