There has been news recently about the many hospital admissions of young children who became very ill from the RS virus. We notice that expectant parents have questions about this virus and are wondering how they can prevent their child from becoming sick.
The RS virus stands for Respiratory Syncytial virus. It is the most common cold virus in children. Most children only catch a cold, but young babies can become seriously ill from the RS virus. They can become short of breath due to an inflammation of the small airways or develop pneumonia. Approximately 1 in 100 children become so seriously ill from the RS virus that hospital admission is necessary. Fortunately, very few children in the Netherlands die from the RS virus.
From the autumn of 2025, young babies will be offered a vaccination against the RS virus. The injection is safe and it is expected that this can prevent 80% of RS hospital admissions. Unfortunately, the vaccination is not yet available in the current RS season, which runs until approximately April. However, you can already take measures to reduce the chance of an RS infection in your baby. Read all the tips and advice about this on the RSV-page from RIVM. You can also read more about the possibility of getting a vaccination against the RS virus for a fee as a pregnant woman, which can be done via your GP or, for example, via the Stadskliniek.