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During a scan we take a look at the baby in your belly

An ultrasound scan uses sound waves to create a picture

This enables us to examine the baby’s shape, length and position. You can watch the whole procedure on a screen as well. Making scans is not harmful for the baby. We can perform the ultrasound scans in our clinic, however, together with other midwifery clinics in Oost, we also run an ultrasound centre: Echopunt Verloskunde Centrum Oost (VCO). This centre performs all the usual scans as well as the screening scans: 13- and 20-weekscans.


Early and dating scans

An ‘early’ scan can be performed between 6 – 9 weeks and is carried out in order to check whether you are really pregnant and to find out if the baby has a heartbeat. Because the pregnancy is still very small, this is usually a vaginally made scan. This scan is only routinely offered when you’ve previously had a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy (when the foetus grows outside the uterus) or in case you are experiencing a lot of pain or bleeding. If none of this applies to you but you are nevertheless keen to have an early scan done, you can book one at our clinic or at the Echopunt VCO. however this particular scan on your request won't be covered by your insurance and will cost about €50,-


In most cases, the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy is the dating scan. This scan is performed between 10 – 12 weeks of pregnancy and aims to set out your due date. This is done by measuring the embryo from crown to tailbone. The scan is usually done through your belly, though sometimes a vaginal scan will provide a better image.

The 13-week scan

The 13-week scan is an early screening scan, intended to detect major physical abnormalities in the baby. The 13-week scan is very similar to the 20-week scan. In both tests, a sonographer uses an ultrasound machine to check whether the child has any physical abnormalities. The difference is that the baby is much smaller around 13 weeks than at 20 weeks, so there is less detail to look at. The 13-week ultrasound is performed between 12+3 weeks and 14+3 weeks and is reimbursed by your health insurance. In the Netherlands you can only opt for the 13-week ultrasound if you participate in the IMITAS study. This study investigates the advantages and disadvantages of the 13-week ultrasound. For more information:

The 20-week scan

The 20 week anomaly scan is carried out in order to see whether your baby's physical development appears to be normal. Major heart and bone defects and skull or spinal problems are usually detected. However,  a 20-week scan won’t detect every anomaly. This ultrasound scan is performed between 19 – 21 weeks at Echopunt VCO. For more information:

Ultrasound scans in the third trimester

After the 20-week scan sometimes more scans are needed in order to monitor the growth and position of the baby. Whether extra scans are necessary in your pregnancy will be discussed during your appointments at our clinic.

Souvenir baby scans

It may be that there isn’t a medical reason for another scan, but you would still like to have another look at the baby. This is possible at our ultrasound scan centre Echopunt VCO or at one of the souvenir baby scan–centres in Amsterdam. You can find out whether you are pregnant with a boy or a girl through a gender scan which can be performed from 15 weeks pregnancy (please note that a 20 week scan can tell you exactly the same and is free of charge). Between 26 and 30 weeks of pregnancy is also a good time for great images. Remember: these types of scans won’t be covered by your insurance policy and there’s a great variety in costs between the different clinics.

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