In a birth plan you describe your wishes regarding the delivery
A birth plan is meant to let us and other pregnancy care providers know what is important to you
In a birth plan you write down your wishes and expectations for your labour and birth. It is meant for you, your partner, your midwife or any other birth care providers. The birth plan outlines what's important to you. The maternity team who care for you during labour will take this into account as much as possible.
A birth plan should not be too long, two pages of A4 maximum. Health care providers need to be able to read it quickly.
A birth plan is not a contract
Nothing in the plan is set in stone. You can change your mind at any time during labour. Or maybe labour and birth unfold differently than expected, and it may not be possible to carry out all your wishes. We will then assess what would be best for you.
Always discuss your birth plan with us
​We'll be able to give you more information and together we can determine whether your wishes are feasible. If there are medical or practical objections, there are often alternatives available.
Our practice has created a sample birth plan ready for you to use. You will receive this when you are about 30 weeks pregnant. If you wish, you can download a PDF version of the birth plan here.