Your basic health care insurance will cover your midwifery costs
Basis health insurance coverage
Our prenatal, natal and postnatal care is 100% reimbursed from the basic insurance and is not deducted from your 'Eigen risico'.
As a practice we are united with 32 other midwifery practices in the Verloskundige Zorggroep Groot Amsterdam. Within this group we strive for the highest possible quality of care. Most insurers see the great added value of this joint work on quality.
If you want to know whether our practice has a contract with your health insurer, you will not find us in the care finder ('Zorgzoeker') as 'Verloskundigen Oosterpark', but under the name of the Zorggroep Amsterdam. If your insurer does not have a contract with Zorggroep, our care will still be reimbursed 100%. However, your insurer may want our invoice to be paid through you.
In case you are not insured or have an insurance policy based in another country, you will receive our invoice yourself.
Each year, the Dutch health authority determines the costs for maternity care, and this will apply to all midwives employed in the Netherlands. For 2025, the amount for all-round care (including pregnancy, labour and postnatal care) is € 2.129,74.
Additional tests and checks
In case a medical indication requires an extra ultrasound, this is covered by your basic health insurance. A referral by us to a hospital for additional tests or support will also be covered by your insurance. Scans on your own request or 'souvenir' scans can be made on your own expenses.
The standard 'pregnancy' bloodtest in first trimester is covered for by your insurance company. However, some blood tests (like iron- and sugarlevels) will be deducted from you Eigen Risico.
Costs related to childbirth
The care you receive from a midwife or gynecologist during childbirth is fully reimbursed by the health insurance and is not deducted from your Eigen Risico. However the place where you (want to) give birth can determine whether you have to pay additional costs.
Do you want to deliver at home? There are no additional costs.
Do you prefer a non-medical (outpatient) delivery in hospital or birth center? Then a financial contribution applies. This varies slightly per hospital, but your health insurance pays at least € 246 of this contribution. Usually around € 400 remains to pay yourself. Some additional insurance policies cover these costs.
Do you have a medical indication during childbirth? Then there are no additional costs.
Maternity care coverage
Maternity care during childbirth and postnatally is covered by your basic health insurance, however, a personal contribution of € 5,20 per hour is required as well.
Appointment cancellation policy
Please let us know as soon as possible in case you won’t be able to make your scheduled appointment. If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, we will be obliged to invoice you for your missed appointment.