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Verloskundigen Oosterpark

The ministry of Health wants to radically change the funding of obstetric care in the short term. Through integrated funding, the entire budget for obstetric care will end up with just one care provider. Hospitals have a very strong lobby in The Hague and with health insurers. Much stronger than small midwifery practices in the neighborhood. And that makes the future of midwifery as we know it very uncertain. Independent practices in the neighborhood will disappear and with it the freedom of choice for parents-to-be. To choose a practice that suits them. To deliver where & how they want.

There is no evidence whatsoever of improving the quality of care through integrated funding. In fact; the organization of Dutch obstetric care with its independent midwives and birth care colleagues in the hospital has proven itself several times. In short; the decision is unfounded and is premature. Read more and sign the petition at (Dutch only) Share your experience with your primary midwife, use #mijneerstelijn and explain why it should be kept.


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